Looking for work? Some things to consider!

If you are looking for work, you need to be sure about the kind of job you want. This is key to success. The clearer you are about what you really want; the more chance you have of making a good decision.  Follow the link for ideas to help you make the right choice  http://www.lifecoach-directory.org.uk/lifecoach-articles/looking-for-work-some-things-to-consider

How to Become Your Resume

220132752_80_801How to Become Your Resume

On paper, you’re the perfect candidate. So, how do you make the same impression in person?

Here is some advice. For example:

Divide your time on a two-to-one ratio. For every hour you spend on the mechanics of interview preparation, researching the company, your route and means of travel, wardrobe preparation, etc., spend two hours with your resume and preparing for questions.

Read more at this link

Job Search – Please Write Those Important STAR Stories

Job Search – Please Write Those Important STAR Stories

starToday we republish an extract from an earlier post. But I make no excuses because I think writing STAR stories can make such an important contribution to your job search and to your career development, if you want to prove to your employer that you are ready for promotion.

STAR Stories Make You A Star

Writing STAR stories is a way to prepare not only to write your CV but also to answer questions at interview. This will be particularly important if the organisation you want to join, or contract with, is committed to competency based interviewing or wants evidence of what you have done so far! Your STAR stories help to give evidence of just how competent you are.

But preparing your STAR stories can also be a real boost to your self-confidence, particularly if you are going through a difficult period at work.

Writing your stories

The STAR method means that for each of your major achievements you will set out the;
  • S – Situation, the background – when where, who and why
  • T – Task or tasks, you need to be specific here – exactly what was the problem you were trying to solve, you were you required to do and what was the required outcome?
  • A – Action, what did you do and what skills did you use? How did you behave? What obstacles did you meet and how did you overcome them? 
  • R – Result . what was the outcome? What happened and what were the benefits that you delivered. How could you measure them? Can you put a price or some dimensions on the scale of your achievement?  How did the organisation respond?

People like hearing a well told story. And telling your stories well will make sure you are memorable for the right reasons; so long as they are not too long, they stay positive and they are realistic!

You will not put all detail from your STAR stories into your CV, but it really helps to remind yourself of the past vividly when you write it.

When you start, think right back to the beginning of your career;

  1. Use your laptop or simply get a notebook and note down all the good things you have achieved. We are talking here about your personal successes!
  2. Don’t spend time on the things that you don’t feel good about! Remember, a whole programme or initiative doesn’t have to have been a total for your part of it to be something you are proud of!
  3. Now pick at least 10 achievements across your career. For job search, include at least five from the more recent past. But there is no limit to how many STAR stores you can produce.
  4. For each achievement, write a STAR story, setting out what happened and clearly explaining your contribution.
  5. Of course you can write as much or as little as you like about each success but for your portfolio record about one page of A4 for each is usually enough.
  6. Start with your early achievements and work forward.
  7. Do your research if necessary about times, places and events. You are building a portfolio to be proud of so make sure your stories are accurate!
  8. After you have completed each story take a pause and review! Enjoy your success.
  9. When you have completed five lay them out before them and feel proud – I bet you had forgotten how good your were!
  10. When you are ready, type them up and print them out on good quality paper! Then put them in a folder with your name on the front!

Your portfolio now has its foundations. You can references and recommendations as well as certificates you hold and any awards. From this material you can draw soundly based evidence of your competencies. It can be drawn on for your job applications and used as reminder of just how good you really are when you hit those career bumps that everyone has to endure sometimes

By the way STAR stories don’t have to be confined to paid employment. Have you had a voluntary role? Are there things you have done for your local community? Well write the stories and put them in! They will all serve to show just what a valuable and competent person you really are!

And I would love to hear how you get on and I wish all those starting out on, or a continuing, a job search every success. If I can help, please get in touch.

Warm regards


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Job Search – When the Interview Went Wrong

c4Job Search – When the Interview Went Wrong

So, you put lots of effort into preparing for that interview and you tried hard but somehow, something just went wrong. You know it and you suspect they know it too!

Perhaps you woke up not feeling well or something had  happened in your private life to distract you. Maybe something happened on the journey!.  Whatever it was, there something threw you off your best performance.  And now you feel bad about it.

Can You Get A Second Chance?

Well, here is the good news! Although not all, there are many employers who may be willing a give you the benefit of the doubt if you are well fitted in other ways.  Going back quickly, thanking them for the time they have spent on you already and explaining your circumstances may just do the trick.

Don’t go over the top but email or write to them briefly explaining what went wrong.  Make sure you emphasize your interest in the job and ask if it is possible to meet a second time or perhaps arrange a phone interview. Remind them of your referees and that they will be willing to confirm what a good candidate you are.

Set out again briefly why you really want this job and your interest in working for the organization and then sum up why you are particularly well fitted for the role. Don’t forget to remind them again of your contact details.

You have nothing to lose by giving it a try,  and much to gain.  Good luck.

Wendy Mason is the The Career Coach – helping you to find fresh perspectives on your Job Search and Career. She helps you work towards your goals and aspirations, in a way that fits in with both work and home life. Email her at wendymason@wisewolfcoaching.com,  find her on Skype at wendymason14, or call +44 (0) 2081239146 (02081239146 for UK callers) or +1 262 317 9016 if you are in the US.

A free trial/consultation allows you to try phone coaching from the comfort of your own home and without risk. Don’t forget to ask about the Summer Special Offer 



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Job Search:Do you include a “profile” in your CV?

jobJob Search:Do you include a “profile” in your CV?

A few thoughts on the value of including a short summary profile at the top of your CV!

This profile is sometimes called the career summary, personal profile statement, profile statement, resume summary, and summary of qualifications. All refer to profiling your key qualifications for a particular job on your résumé.

The profile sums up your skills and experience, and it can include your career goals. This is a part of your CV that you should certainly tailor to the particular needs of the specific job for which you are applying. These are the headline words that will flag up to a recruiter why you are right for the role.

Essentially, a profile is a very condensed and targeted version of a cover letter. And there are clear benefits to including a good one. It can help you stand out among the hundreds of applications companies receive. Most employers spend only a few seconds looking at your CV, and most of this time is spent looking at the top half of it. So, even if a potential employer reads only your profile (located directly beneath your name and contact information), they will still have a clear idea of how uniquely well fitted you are for the role.

In addition, your profile can include Keywords that will help your application get picked up by the recruiting management software that many companies use now use to screen applications.

Keep your profile concise – between one and four short sentences and you can use bullet points. Focus on the requirements for the job and what you have to offer. Overall, integrate your employment history and skills into the qualifications listed for the job – make sure right at first glance, you look like the best candidate.

Wendy Mason is the The Career Coach – helping you to find fresh perspectives on your Job Search and Career. She helps you work towards your goals and aspirations, in a way that fits in with both work and home life. Email her at wendymason@wisewolfcoaching.com,  find her on Skype at wendymason14, or call +44 (0) 2081239146 (02081239146 for UK callers) or +1 262 317 9016 if you are in the US.

A free trial/consultation allows you to try phone coaching from the comfort of your own home and without risk. Don’t forget to ask about the Summer Special Offer 

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Job Search – Mistakes to Avoid in Your Telephone Interview

teleJob Search – Mistakes to Avoid in Your Telephone Interview

Knowing what to expect and how to prepare for the telephone interview can give job seekers with an enormous advantage.  But too many candidates make common mistakes that knock them out of consideration before getting a chance to really show their skills.

I would add to the information in the video below, on the technicalities, if the interview is by Skype check out before you start that you have a good connection. Practice telephone interviewing with a friend beforehand. And gen up on general interview preparation advice too  – telephone interviews are similar to face to face in terms of the information you need.

I’ve prepared a lot of candidates for successful telephone interviews in the past, so if you would like my coaching help, please get in touch.


Wendy Mason is the Happiness Coach and author of a new novel, The Wolf Project.  Wendy is a life and career coach and writer. She is passionate about helping people find happiness at work and at home! To find out more email wendymason@wisewolfcoaching.com, find her on Skype at wendymason14, or call +44 (0) 2081239146 (02081239146 for UK callers) or +1 262 317 9016 if you are in the US.

A free trial/consultation gives you an opportunity to try phone coaching without risk. Remember there are great benefits to be achieved by being coached in the comfort  of your own home by phone or Skype .

CV review and interview preparation a speciality

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Job Search Techniques To Help You Stand Out From The Crowd


Job Search Techniques To Help You Stand Out From The Crowd

With increased competition for jobs, it’s more important than ever to brand and market yourself to find success. Career coach Linda Ginac, Master PCM and CEO of The  Ginac Group, offers tips on how to find your talents and the value you can bring to a company and then use professional techniques to advertise yourself.  (This video is Copyright MyFoxAustin.com)

Wendy Mason is the Happiness Coach and author of a new novel, The Wolf Project.  Wendy is a life and career coach and writer. She is passionate about helping people find happiness at work and at home! To find out more email wendymason@wisewolfcoaching.com, find her on Skype at wendymason14, or call +44 (0) 2081239146 (02081239146 for UK callers) or +1 262 317 9016 if you are in the US.  

A free trial/consultation allows you to give phone coaching a real trial without any financial risk. And remember there are great benefits to be achieved from coaching by phone or Skype.

CV review and interview preparation a speciality


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Job Search – Top Ten Job Search And Social Media Questions

Job Search – Top Ten Job Search And Social Media Questions

Businesspeople standing one after another

Help for those struggling with job search and  incorporating social media into their job search.

Great advice from the Discovering Social community which is designed to help those struggling with incorporating social media into their job search or every day lives. It is a series of webinars, resources and events focused on showing the how-to of social media.

For more advice from the Discovering Social Community visit: http://www.discoveringsocial.com

Wendy Mason is the Happiness Coach and author of a new novel, The Wolf Project.  Wendy is a life and career coach and writer. She is passionate about helping people find happiness at work and at home! To find out more email wendymason@wisewolfcoaching.com, find her on Skype at wendymason14, or call +44 (0) 2081239146 (02081239146 for UK callers) or +1 262 317 9016 if you are in the US.  

A free trial/consultation allows you to give phone coaching a real trial without any financial risk. And remember there are great benefits to be achieved from coaching by phone or Skype.

CV review and interview preparation a speciality

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Job Search: How to find a new job using LinkedIn!

Job Search: How to find a new job using LinkedIn!

LinkedIn is a powerful business networking tool but it can also be one of the best ways to find a new job.

Unfortunately, not many people know how to really tap into its power.  But this little video gives simple but useful tips for how you can use your LinkedIn network to search for a new job.

It is from http://www.explania.com/en/channels/work/detail/how-to-find-a-new-job-using-linkedin

If there is advice you would like or if you have questions about your job search, please get in touch!

Wendy Mason is the Happiness Coach and author of a new novel, The Wolf Project Wendy is a life and career coach and writer. She is passionate about helping people find happiness at work and at home! She helps people reach their goals and aspirations, without sacrificing their home and personal life.  She believes coaching requires compassion, warmth and empathy. Wendy helps people reach their career goals and aspirations, without sacrificing their home and personal life. You can contact Wendy at wendymason@wisewolfcoaching.com and find out more at http://wisewolfcoaching.com

CV review and interview preparation a speciality

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Job Hunting Tips : How to Make a Job Search Plan

job hunting
job hunting (Photo credit: Robert S. Donovan)

Job Hunting Tips : How to Make a Job Search Plan

You’ve got to have a plan to find a job.  Here are tips for beginning your job search with a plan in this video clip from professional job consultant, Tine Buechler.

If you need support in your job search, please get in touch.

Wendy Mason is the Happiness Coach and author of a new novel, The Wolf Project Wendy is a life and career coach and writer. She is passionate about helping people find happiness at work and at home! She helps people reach their goals and aspirations, without sacrificing their home and personal life.  She believes coaching requires compassion, warmth and empathy. Wendy helps people reach their career goals and aspirations, without sacrificing their home and personal life. You can contact Wendy at wendymason@wisewolfcoaching.com and find out more at http://wisewolfcoaching.com

CV review and interview preparation a speciality

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