Time to practice your close reading skills?

close readingI’ve joined a short on-line course from Sheffield University and Future Learn on the literature of the English country house. I’m sure the subject has been chosen with Downton House fans in mind. Simply, I thought it would keep me entertained on lovely, long, summer evenings.

The course started with a refresher on close reading and the lecturer chose a passage from Twelfth Night for us to work on. It’s a play I love and full of ambiguity. The action centres on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck. Viola (who is disguised as a boy) falls in love with Duke Orsino, who in turn is in love with the Countess Olivia. Upon meeting Viola, Countess Olivia falls in love with her thinking she is a man.

So, we practiced our close reading skills. First, we read the piece quickly for a general impression. Then, we read it a second time to confirm our first thoughts. This was followed by zooming in for key words and phrases that gave clues to the layers of meaning. It was an entertaining process, given Shakespeare’s propensity for hidden jokes and references.

I was left wondering about our obsession with speed reading. We prize how quickly we can scan the mass of text we encounter daily, be it in emails, discussion papers or reports. If we couldn’t scan quickly, we wouldn’t be able to cope at work or at home. But, we pay a price. I wonder, for example, how many corporate disasters might have been avoided, if we had the time to close read critical passages in progress reports on major programmes or to pick up the hints “between the lines” in management reports.

Have our senses and our judgment become numb from the volume of material put before us?

We need to be aware of the risk. There is a huge responsibility on authors and curators to flag up what they think are critical passages. But, at the end of the day, it is down to us and may be it is time to practice, practice, practice those close reading skills.

Wendy Smith is a personal coach and writer at Wisewolf Coaching. She is a qualified coach and a member of the Association for Coaching as well as being a member of the Institute of Consulting and a graduate of the Common Purpose leadership programme.  Wendy is author of “The WiseWolf Job Search Pocket Book: How to Win Jobs and Influence Recruiters” as well as two novels and a number of articles on management and well-being. Her latest publication is a little eBook; “How to Get on With the Boss.”  You can contact Wendy at wendy@wisewolfcoaching.com

Show you can handle ambiguity!

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAMUAAAAJGU5ZmVmYzE5LTg4NDUtNDU0Zi05NjI1LTlmOGFhNGE4MDgyNw“Ambiguity; the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness.”

Many of us have been educated in environments where what mattered most were the facts. You had to get the facts right. When you needed to make a decision, you gathered the facts and then evaluated them. Great care and attention was given to gathering very precise facts.

In the present world, gathering exact facts should be easier than ever before. The problem is, though, that the world has become a much complex place. It is full of data but not all that data has been processed into good information. Meanwhile decisions usually need to be made quickly.

So, we find ourselves working with incomplete sets of facts, that may conflict and that make you feel they must be unreliable.  And often that is just what they might be! But still you have to make that decision. You find yourself having to go with what you have got.

In management, the more senior you become, the more likely you are to be making decisions with ambiguous information. For many professionals, doing that lies at the very heart of what they do.

Recognising the reality of decision making today, more and more employers and recruiters are looking for candidates with an ability to handle ambiguity. Employees who can manage ambiguity are likely to be welcome in large, complex, organisations that are subject to change or reform. But also they are needed in SMEs, particularly in the digital world.

The ability to handle ambiguity goes with confidence in your own judgment and a willingness to live with risk. If you are used to going through change and have learned how to cope and thrive in a changing environment, you have probably learned to handle ambiguity.

If you are preparing for a job interview, be prepared to be asked about occasions when you had to deal with confusion or uncertainty. When did you have to make a decision without having all the facts? When did you find yourself having to act in an unclear situation? What did you learn? If you feel that you could have coped with a situation you faced better, say so, and explain what you learned. Prepare to be asked how you cope in a crisis. Any crisis is likely to throw up uncertainty. How did you cope and what skills did you use? If you go to an assessment centre that has an in tray exercise, be prepared to adapt your plan of action to cope with new information that lands in your email inbox.

Risk surrounds ambiguity. Make sure you always have a back-up plan and think about how you will handle things if you have got it wrong.

When presented with any problem think through what you need to make a decision and the time available to you. What is the compromise you are prepared to make, if you need to take action quickly? How risky is your plan and how will you know if things are going wrong? How will you handle the fallout and move to your back up plan. Move quickly and with confidence, but always know your risks.

Life has always come with uncertainty. Now, it is time for you to learn to work with ambiguity!

Wendy Smith is a personal coach and writer at Wisewolf Coaching. She is a qualified coach and a member of the Association for Coaching as well as being a member of the Institute of Consulting and a graduate of the Common Purpose leadership programme. She is the author of “The WiseWolf Job Search Pocket Book: How to Win Jobs and Influence Recruiters” as well as two novels and a number of articles on management and well-being. Her latest publication is a little eBook; “How to Get on With the Boss.”  You can contact Wendy at wendy@wisewolfcoaching.com

First published on LinkedIn

Do you have an ability to bounce back?

motivational-quotes-the-harder-you-fall-the-higher-you-bounce-backA quality that marks out many successful people is their resilience. They seem to have an outstanding ability to bounce back.

Psychological resilience is about how well you deal with stress, resolve problems and handle misfortune. No one goes through life without set-backs. Issues that test your ability to bounce back can emerge at work or outside. Health problems and financial pressures may require great resilience to handle. With resilience you can usually bounce back from misfortune.

Some people seem born with this natural ability to bounce back. But, if you are not so lucky, resilience is a skill that can be learned by virtually anyone. It is strengthened by an optimistic outlook and a positive approach to life. Resilience is about coming out of a deeply stressful situation strengthened and having learned from the experience.

Resilience is best understood as a process. This includes;

  • Knowing how to analyse what is going on around you
  • Making plans to handle the situation
  • Having confidence in your ability to carry out your plans
  • Knowing how to communicate and get support when you need it
  • Handling your strong feelings and emotions.

People who look for the best in any situation, are prepared to be flexible in their approach and focused on solving problems, seem most resilient. A sense of humour in the face of adversity always helps; humour seems to improve the immune system. People with perseverance and passion for their long-term goals often manage to overcome huge obstacles on the way.

The American Psychological Association suggests “10 Ways to Build Resilience.” These are:

  1. Maintaining good relationships with family and friends
  2. Avoiding seeing crises or stressful events as unbearable problems
  3. Learning to accept what cannot be changed
  4. Developing realistic goals and moving towards them
  5. Taking decisive actions in adverse situations
  6. Looking for opportunities for self-discovery after a struggle with loss
  7. Developing self-confidence
  8. Keeping a long-term perspective and considering the stressful event in a broader context
  9. Maintaining a hopeful outlook, expecting good things and visualizing what is wished for
  10. Taking care of your mind and body, exercising regularly; paying attention to your own needs and feelings

Unfortunately, there can be many circumstances in life which militate against the development of all these characteristics in early life. Luckily you can take steps to develop your resilience at any time. It is never too early or too late to start learning to bounce.

Wendy Smith is a personal coach and writer at Wisewolf Coaching. She is a qualified coach and a member of the Association for Coaching as well as being a member of the Institute of Consulting and a graduate of the Common Purpose leadership programme. She is the author of “The WiseWolf Job Search Pocket Book: How to Win Jobs and Influence Recruiters” as well as two novels and a number of articles on management and well-being. Her new latest publication is a little eBook; “How to Get on With the Boss,”  You can contact Wendy at wendy@wisewolfcoaching.com

Authenticity, Advantages and Awareness

visionAuthenticity, Advantages and Awareness

Writer and Coach

To do well in managing your career, and in job search, it helps if you keep in mind the three “As”; authenticity, advantages and awareness.

In any job search or work situation you are more likely to succeed if you can be authentic, understand and use the advantages you bring to a situation and know how to make others aware of those advantages.

Authenticity means knowing and showing who you are and your values. It depends on knowing what you want to achieve in life and to what you are committed. Spend time to be clear about
what you care about most and accept the implications of putting that at the centre of what you do and how you behave. Authenticity at a job interview means that your answers ring true and you are much more likely to form a constructive relationship with panel members.

Understanding what you are good at, your advantages, allows you to contribute fully in whatever you are doing. Hone your skills. Learn to be good enough at what is essential but be proud to excel at those things you do well. Accept that others are good at different things. If you are confident in your own abilities, you can accept what they have to offer. If you are job searching, be clear about the real advantages you would bring to any new job opportunity and how you will contribute to the team.

Look for opportunities to let the people who matter know what you have to give. Their awareness means you should be given the chance to use your gifts. How sad it would be to have them but not be able to use them. If you are job searching, think about getting your name out there by showing expertise through writing articles, speaking at meetings of your professional association or, perhaps, doing some voluntary work.

I wish all those starting out on or a continuing a job search this week every success.

Warm regards

UK: +44 (0) 2081239146
US: +1 262 317 9016
Mobile: +44 (0) 7867681439 IM: wendymason14 (Skype)

Get a Diploma or Certificate In Your Desired Career Field To Increase Your Self-Confidence

Get a Diploma or Certificate In Your Desired Career Field To Increase Your Self-Confidence

Tamara-M.-Williams_1405711 Today we have a guest post from Tamara M. Williams, an EzineArticles Platinum Level Expert Author. She publishes articles on various topics. Visit her profile page on EzineArticles to learn more.

When you study a new or advanced topic in an area of interest you increase your knowledge and skills. It is possible to study without earning an online diploma or certificate. However, having one makes it easier for you to increase your list of accomplishments. This shows your commitment and dedication to yourself and your career. In addition, it adds a great boost to your self-confidence. This furthers your personal and career development and increases your level of success in life.

E-Learning Providers

There are many blog posts, eBooks, webinars, training videos and a lot of other content on various career fields. These are easy to use and help you to quickly learn the topic that you have an interest in. However, an online course provides a more structured approach. By using them, you learn a wider variety of information in one convenient place. Some e-learning providers are universalclass.com, coursera.org, udemy.com and alison.com. They offer courses such as Social Media Marketing, Customer Service, Project Management, and Workplace Safety and Health.

Benefits of Online Courses

There are many benefits when taking online courses. Courses can last from a few weeks up to a few months, so you can choose one based on your free time. Some courses are self-paced which offers flexibility. Others are instructor-led which offers more guidance. They are also more convenient because you can get access to the materials 24/7s. Plus, you can communicate with the instructor and other students for help or to offer suggestions. It takes time and commitment to study, but doing so opens the way for career advancement.

Increase Your Self-Confidence

A certificate or diploma increases your list of accomplishments which builds your self-confidence.  Yourdictionary.com defines self-confidence as “a person’s belief or trust in their own ability”. Self-confidence increases your determination to take on new or challenging projects at work. You feel encouraged to ask for a promotion or apply for a new job or step into a new career field. It helps you to acknowledge mistakes or failures and learn from them. It allows you take more risks to meet your career goals. Therefore, getting qualifications in your career field increases your belief in yourself to succeed.

Completing online diplomas or certificates will help you learn valuable information and skills on various topics for your career field. This adds to your accomplishments and increases your self-confidence. Self-confidence will help you advance in your existing or new career, which will increase your level of success in life.

About The Author:

Tamara M. Williams is an EzineArticles Platinum Level Expert Author. She publishes articles on various topics. Visit her profile page on EzineArticles to learn more.

Getting on With The Boss

handsGetting on With The Boss

 Career Coach and author of The WiseWolf Job Search Pocket Book; How to Win Friends and Influence Recruiters – pre-order on Amazon

So many people I work with or meet raise this as an issue.  So I’m returning to it again.

I don’t know anyone who at some point in their professional life hasn’t had some worries about establishing a good working relationship with their manager.

And remember folks that is what it is about; a good working relationship.

You don’t have to be best friends. You just need to establish a relationship that allows you to work constructively with each other.

With this relationship, as with others, at the heart lies a need for good communication. The reality is that not all managers are blessed with good communication skills. With some managers, they have the skills but, for one reason or another, are not choosing to use them effectively.

So, as a worker in a silent vacuum, you try to make sense of what is going on.

The super confident may well assume; “Well I must be doing well or she/he would say something.” But many of us are less than super confident, particularly when starting a new job. We assume no news is bad news. We may even start to interpret body language, and how the boss behaves towards others, as sending some kind of message for us. Often our interpretation and our assumptions are wrong.

If your manager has not opened up communication with you, then you need to open up communication with them.

First, take some time out to think about what you want to ask and what information you require to do your job well. Then think how to put your requests into words. Now, you are ready to book some time in your manager’s diary.

Pick a time when they are likely to be fresh but not immediately after they arrive in the office and need to check their in-tray. You don’t want them distracted by emails rather than listening to you. Always open the conversation by referring to some positive points about your job and the organization. Then, when you have their attention, present your points clearly but without personal criticism. Make sure they know that you appreciate how busy they are and make sure you thank them for their time.

Follow up by suggesting you have regular, but not necessarily frequent, touchdown meetings.

I am sure that if you prepare properly, you will handle this well and both you and your boss will be pleased you took the initiative.

I wish all those starting out on or a continuing a job search this week every success.

If you are thinking about coaching, and we coaches really can add value to your job search, I would love to talk to you.

Warm regards

UK: +44 (0) 2081239146
US: +1 262 317 9016
Mobile: +44 (0) 7867681439 IM: wendymason14 (Skype)
Pre-order “The WiseWolf Job Search Pocket Book: How to Win Jobs and Influence Recruiters” from my Amazon page at this linkhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Wendy-Mason/e/B00BEV22L4/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1

Giving Feedback to an Unsuccessful Candidate

114671443_80_802Giving Feedback to an Unsuccessful Candidate

 is a Career Coach and Writer with Life Coaching Skills

In all kinds of situations you may need to give feedback to someone about something they have said or done. This could be an employee, a work colleague or a business partner. But here I had in mind giving feedback to a candidate after unsuccessful job interview.

1. Prepare for the discussion. Be clear about what you want to say and make sure you can support it with evidence.
2. During the discussion think before you speak! Don’t make ad hoc remarks that imply, for example, that you personally would have made a different decision.
3. Stay positive. This doesn’t mean not giving constructive criticism about gaps but do make sure you balance criticisms with clarity about what you did like.
4. Be specific. Avoid general comments and try to be as clear and simple as you can!
5. Focus on evidence presented of competence rather than the person and their personality.
6. Stay in the neutral ground emotionally but accept that it is reasonable for the candidate to feel disappointed.
7. Own the feedback. If you have been part of the interviewing panel, then own the feedback, it is about “we” not about “the panel.”
8. Empathize. Always put yourself in the other person’s shoes! Think how you would feel receiving the same information! No room here for humiliation!

I wish all those starting out on or a continuing a job search this week every success.

If you are thinking about coaching, and we coaches really can add value to your job search, I would love to talk to you.

Warm regards

UK: +44 (0) 2081239146
US: +1 262 317 9016
Mobile: +44 (0) 7867681439 IM: wendymason14 (Skype)

How To Do Well at Assessment Centres!

How To Do Well at Assessment Centres!

These are more tips from my new book called The WiseWolf Job Search Pocket Book: How to Win Jobs and Influence Recruiters. It is due to be published in September 2014. Email info@bluebirdhousebooks.com for more information

Here are my top tips for handling assessment centres

  1. Be Yourself! Work on the basis the assessors know what they are doing. They will be able to see through an act. Keep your wits about you and show your best but try to relax enough to let the real you shine through. You may want to use a simple relaxed breathing technique during the odd break.
  2. Know the criteria. Usually, the assessors will be assessing you against a predefined list of qualities and competencies for the job. For most public sector jobs you’ll probably know what these are before the event. In the private sector, openness can vary. But you should try to find out the criteria before the assessment centre. If you applied through a recruitment agency they should be able to help. At the very least, the job description will usually give you an indication of the qualities they are looking for.
  3. Manage your time carefully. Many candidates at assessment centres fail to do themselves justice because they run out of time in the exercises. Where you have to read a brief and then do an exercise afterwards, start by skim reading to get an idea of the issues. Then go back and study important points more carefully. Keep an eye on your watch and allocate your time carefully.
  4. Don’t put other candidates down. Remember at an assessment centre you are unlikely to be measured directly against each other. You are being measured against the criteria for the role. Scoring points off others in group exercises doesn’t make you look good. It makes you look like a non-team player and that is not likely to make the assessors warm to you. Your best strategy is usually to support, not to compete.
  5. Practice if you can. It really helps if you can run through possible exercises with someone you trust as preparation for the centre. You will find organizations that offer paid-for practice online.
  6. Listen carefully to all instructions. Know what you are doing and show you are doing it. Listen carefully to all instructions and show you are listening through your body language.
  7. Interact with the assessors. If there is an opportunity to interact with the assessors, say at lunch time, then make the most of it. But don’t be a nuisance and certainly don’t hog the limelight. You want to make an impression memorable for the right reasons.

These are more tips from my new book called The WiseWolf Job Search Pocket Book: How to Win Jobs and Influence Recruiters. It is due to be published in September 2014. Email info@bluebirdhousebooks.com for more information

Career Training: Learning from Podcasts, Audio Books or Audio Files

Career Training: Learning from Podcasts, Audio Books or Audio Files

Tamara-M.-Williams_1405711Today we have a guest post from Tamara M. Williams who  is an EzineArticles Platinum Level Expert Author. On EzineArticles her topics are in categories such as Computer and Technology and Email Marketing. Visit her profile page on EzineArticles to learn more at this link: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Tamara_M._Williams

If you are taking career courses or using resources on a specific topic to learn a new skill or improve an existing one, then you need to maximize your days to make the most use of your time. One great method of learning is using podcasts, audio books or audio files from the course site, blogs or websites. You can download the files on your mobile devices and listen to the lessons during regular activities; such as on your commute to and from work, while exercising or even when doing household chores. This gives you more time to learn and the more you know, then the more your skills will be in demand. This opens the opportunity for more promotions and an increase in income.

Audio Files are Convenient Because They are Portable and Save Time

Career development takes time and studying new material is one important aspect of that. Training could be done online by using your PC or mobile phone or with you physically present in the classes. However, balancing work, personal life and studies could be tedious if you do not manage your time properly. Therefore, making use of audio files or podcasts is very convenient.

Audio files are convenient because you can multi-task and complete other activities while you listen to the information. These activities would be simple tasks that do not require intense concentration, for e.g. travelling to and from work, and eating meals during your lunch hour. You can also listen when doing exercising, travelling to and from stores, or when doing chores at home such as washing dishes or dusting. Thus, you are able to make the most efficient use of your time.

Finding Audio Files Online

If you decide to use course resources, then you should check to see if a video or audio file is available. You can download these directly onto your PC or mobile phone. You can listen to the audio from the video file. Another option is to convert the video file to an audio file; which reduces the file size, thus taking up less storage space. Or you can subscribe to podcasts related to the topic of interest from sites such as Apple iTunes, PodOmatic or LearnOutLoud. You can also listen to audio books from Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and Audible. Likewise, blogs and other learning websites will have a download page which allows you to download various materials. If audio files are not available, then you can just record yourself reading the material. You can use software such as Audacity to create your own audio files.

Career development is important to progress further on the career ladder and even when you wish to transition into a new career. Learning new material is important so that you can develop new skills or enhance your existing ones. This could be accomplished by listening to podcasts, audio books or audio materials which will be very beneficial since you can download them to your laptop, mobile phone or other mobile devices. This makes you more marketable as you are able to complete more advanced tasks in a wider variety of projects. This will open the door for greater career advancement in your job such as a promotion or increase in income.

About The Author:

Tamara M. Williams is an EzineArticles Platinum Level Expert Author. On EzineArticles her topics are in categories such as Computer and Technology and Email Marketing. Visit her profile page on EzineArticles to learn more at this link: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Tamara_M._Williams

Career Transition: Use Social Media Groups to Learn More About Your Desired Career

Career Transition: Use Social Media Groups to Learn More About Your Desired Career

Tamara-M.-Williams_1405711Today we have a guest post from Tamara M. Williams who  is an EzineArticles Platinum Level Expert Author. On EzineArticles her topics are in categories such as Computer and Technology and Email Marketing. Visit her profile page on EzineArticles to learn more at this link: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Tamara_M._Williams

If you wish to transition from one job to another, then you need to start meeting professionals in those fields. Social Media platforms make it easier to meet persons from all over the world. You get to make friends, learn about the topics that are relevant to that field and learn about various job duties as well. Using these groups means that you access information about prospective careers 24/7.

Network to Learn More About a Potential Career

There are many career advice websites and job search websites that provide information about various industries. However, if you want to learn more about the assorted duties and responsibilities, you should contact someone already in the field. There are multiple options available; such as arranging to job shadow someone for a day or conducting an information interview. However, another option is to use social media groups or communities on sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn or Google+.

Search for the Desired Group or Community

There are advantages and disadvantages to each social media platform, but the common benefit is that you get to interact regularly with experts and newbies in the field. You can use multiple platforms or you can choose the one that you are most familiar or comfortable with. Then search for the keyword related to your field. For e.g. if you have interest in becoming a career coach then you, would search for that keyword. There are usually multiple groups available for each field. However, if you cannot find a group, then using related keywords such as ‘Personal Development’ would also help you to find groups that career coaches are in. Look at the description for each group to know the level of experience required because some group are for beginners while others are for experts.

Learn From and Interact with Other Members

When you have decided on the group, then you should make a request to join each group. Next, introduce yourself to the group and let them know that you wish to learn more about that field. Then read the discussions or posts started by existing members. You can also network with group members and develop a professional relationship. The groups usually share articles, eBooks, videos or infographics related to the field; which makes it easy to gather information.  Participate by commenting or asking questions on topics of interest to you. The more you learn and share, then the sooner you can decide if you have a strong interest in that career.

Social Media groups and communities can play an important role in career development. They are free, cater to persons with varying experience; such as experts or beginners and share a great deal of useful information on the day-to-day activities, duties and various topics of interest to the field. You can join one or more groups and interact with the members to learn more about a potential career. Thus, making it easier to choose a career field, gather valuable information and increase your network contacts.

About The Author:

Tamara M. Williams is an EzineArticles Platinum Level Expert Author. On EzineArticles her topics are in categories such as Computer and Technology and Email Marketing. Visit her profile page on EzineArticles to learn more at this link: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Tamara_M._Williams